Mathematics in the Real World
Welcome to our class blog! We will be reading, viewing videos, and writing about how math is involved in the real world and everyday life.
Students will be required to:
· Read (1) article from one of the RSS feeds per week
· Write a blog post in response to the article which answers each of the required questions
· If I post a video, students will have the choice to watch the video
· Write a blog post in response to the video which answers each of the required questions
1. What math is demonstrated in the article/video? (examples: counting, graphing data, statistics, probability, geometry, measurement, fractions, percents, functions, exponents, etc.)
2. How is this math used?
3. Why do you think that using math was necessary in this situation?
4. What did you find interesting about this article/video?
5. What would you like to know more about after reading the article/viewing the video?